The Porter-Billups Leadership Academy
has been cultivating character development through an extensive academic curriculum
and exposes young leaders to career opportunities in their pursuit of individual success since 1996.
The Academy began in 1996 when Lonnie Porter and his daughter Staci Porter-Bentley cofounded the Lonnie Porter Leadership Academy. In 2006, Chauncey Billups partnered with coach Porter, and the program was renamed The Porter-Billups Leadership Academy.
99.9% Graduated
99% of Academy students graduated high school since the first class in 2002.
87% Went to College
87% of PBLA Academy students have gone on to college.
There have been 271 PBLA Academy alumni since 1996.
Lonnie Porter
Ricardo Patton
Students enroll in a three-week summer program during third grade, and continue to attend the academy the summer prior to their senior year in high school. Upon completion of the program, graduates who qualify for admission to Regis University are eligible to receive a scholarship to Regis that covers tuition and fees.
The Academy is supported by generous donors and Regis University. Since 2002, PBLA has received $5.2 million in grants and scholarships for PBLA to attend Regis University. It costs around $2000 to send one student to the Academy for a year, and to the students we serve, the cost is $0 for the duration.
Get involved! Help the Porter-Billups Leadership Academy provide academic and leadership training to students from underserved communities in the Denver area. We couldn’t achieve our goal of helping these students graduate high school and attend college without the generous support of people like you.
"The Porter-Billups Leadership Academy fostered my love for learning and instilled in me the skills necessary to lead. As a current teacher with two degrees from Regis (BA '09 and MA '11), I truly value the leadership skills and love of learning that I developed at the Academy."
Megan Coffey Parker2005 Regis and PBLA Alum and former PBLA educator
"Because of this program, I was able to see the boundless potential in myself, and I will work every day to reach it."
Natalia JaquezClass of 2023
"One of the most impactful lessons I learned here is the power of community. Whether it was through group projects, sports, or community service, PBLA taught me that we are stronger together."
JJ Augustus, IIIClass of 2018
"PBLA is the reason that I am the person that I am today. From the life skills that I learned, to the countless support that I've had in my corner, just knowing that someone truly cares abotu you is a wonderful feeling."
Malachi HaynesPBLA Class of 2017, Doctoral Student of Occupational Therapy at CSU